Tuesday, September 23, 2008

McCain's War On Press Freedom

The former Straight Talk Express has been renamed the "No Talk Express" by one reporter. McCain and his campaign have been virtually inaccessible to the press over the past few weeks and that has been no more evident than in the "cone of silence" surrounding McCains running mate, Sarah Palin. She is now in the "seen but not heard" category when it comes to the media.

The McCain campaign is happy to let the press shoot pictures of Palin, but ask her a question? Not so fast! That stonewalling cause the press to revolt and refuse to cover her photo-op forray into the UN.

Now McCain has begin attaching the press. His campaign spokesperson Steven Schmidt had harsh words for the New York Times.

“Whatever the New York Times once was, it is today not by any standard a journalistic organization,” Mr. Schmidt said. He added, “This is an organization that is completely, totally, 150 percent in the tank for the Democratic candidate, which is their prerogative to be.”

Not the kind of attack you want to make without proof and especially against a newspaper with so many readers.

Tonight McCain plans a 15 minute press conference. Seems awful short, and I suspect that is the reason, to limit coverage again. What is he hiding? Have McCain/Palin become the new Bush/Cheney, holed up in their fortress of solitude? Watch as he ignores reporters completely.

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