"Frauds, thieves", cried the supporters of López Obrador, candidate for president of Mexico. They were shouting outside the high court that was to certify the election results which even though the razor thin margin of victory for Obrador’s opponent had been disqualified during a recount. The court performed a stunt worth of the US Supreme Court, deciding an election and nullifying citizen’s right to elect a president.
Now Obrador’s supporters are going to block Calderon (the winner) from making his traditional September 15 speech. They swear to take over the Zocalo outside the National Palace in protest. They already blocked Vincente Fox from making his last State of the Union speech to Mexico’s Congress. Additionally they will hold a convention on September 16 to form a "Government in Resistance."
Seems like sleepy Mexico has awakened to the years of corruption and fraud that have dominated Mexican politics. Many saw the arrival of Fox and the PAN as a welcome breath of fresh air to the PRI, which had ruled Mexico virtually unopposed for so many years. Instead the PAN has been a wind for more corruption and fraud backed by big business, much like the Republican Party is here.
We should take a lesson from our fellow North Americans in Mexico, we need change and if the ballot box is no longer a path, then other paths must be found. Viva Mexico!