Saturday, September 20, 2008
McCain Lies Again - Claims He Does Not Want Privatized Social Security
McCain lied again! What he said was, "Without privatization, I don't see how you can possibly, over time, make sure that young Americans are able to receive Social Security benefits," at a December 2004 event in New Hampshire.
McCain has been studying at the feet of Karl Rove and apparently really learning that telling the truth is a liability when you are a Republican. The Straight Talk Express left the station long ago.
Obama Slams McCain! Great Video!
Groundbreaking Transgender Case!
From a news release on the ACLU website:
In reaching its decision, the court ruled: "The evidence established that the Library was enthusiastic about hiring David Schroer – until she disclosed her transsexuality. The Library revoked the offer when it learned that a man named David intended to become, legally, culturally, and physically, a woman named Diane. This was discrimination 'because of . . . sex.'"
The court compares the discrimination faced by Schroer to religious-based discrimination, saying, "Imagine that an employee is fired because she converts from Christianity to Judaism. Imagine too that her employer testified that he harbors no bias toward either Christians or Jews but only 'converts.' That would be a clear case of discrimination 'because of religion.' No court would take seriously the notion that 'converts' are not covered by the statute."
Take A Break, The Bad News Will Still Be There.
These two talented performers kept dancing right p into the 1970's when they even teamed with Michael Jackson on a TV special. They have been called the Jedi of tap dance. Enjoy.
Friday, September 19, 2008
McCain Wants Deregulation Of Health Care - Just Like Banking!
"Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation."Is this man living in a cave somewhere? Deregulation led to the mess in the financial markets and now he wants to screw up our health care even worse. Someone please lead him to a wheelchair and roll him out of the public spotlight.
McCain Advisor Lobbies Against Regulation For Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac
To The Editor:
Yesterday, Senator John McCain released a television commercial attacking Barack Obama for allegedly receiving advice on the economy from former Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines. From the stump, he has recently tried tying Senator Obama to Fannie Mae, as if there is some guilt in the association with Fannie Mae's former executives.
It is an interesting card for Senator McCain to play, given that his campaign manager, Rick Davis, was paid by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac several hundred thousand dollars early in this decade to head up an organization to lobby in their behalf called The Homeownership Alliance. ...
I worked in government relations for Fannie Mae for more than 20 years, leading the group for most of those years. When I see photographs of Sen. McCain's staff, it looks to me like the team of lobbyists who used to report to me. Senator McCain's attack on Senator Obama is a cheap shot, and hypocritical.
Sincerely,William Maloni
Fannie Mae Senior Vice President for Government and Industry Relations (1983-2004)
Obama Ahead In Ohio & Michigan
According to AP reports Obama is at 47 while John McCain is at 45% in Ohio.That is a very close margin, but Obama has pulled from behind in this state. In Michigan the lead is much larger with 52% for Obama over McCain's 43%.
Meanwhile in Pennsylvania Obama also has a lead of 49% to McCain's 44%. All good signs for the Obama campaign!
McCain Uses Racist Ad! Steps Into Scum Bag Territory
In his latest ad, he tries to assert that the former CEO of Fannie Mae is an advisor to the Obama campaign. This is a patent lie! Both Obama and former Fannie Mae Chairman Frank Raines say it is not true. Meanwhile McCain has pictured both together (Raines is African American) and the shows a cowering old white woman as the victim of the alleged policies of Barack Obama.
It doesn't take an expert in psycho-graphics to get the gist of the ad. "Scary black guys take advantage of poor white woman".
Oh please! This is the kind of pandering and racist crap even a scumb bag like Frank Luntz would be appalled at. McCain is better than this, or at least the "old McCain". The "new McCain" is just the same as the rest of the good old boys in Washington. Willing to do anything to win, even lie and defame. Welcome to scum bag territory John!
"McCain is a Little Panicked Right Now"
John McCain - Dazed And Confused Again
Now today, in a speech in Wisconsin, where he looks about as frail as I have ever seen him look, McCain called for the chairman of the FEC to resign. Last time I checked, the Federal Election Commission had nothing to do with Wall Street bail outs.
McCain is making gaffs so often now that I really have to wonder if he hasn't had a stroke or is just getting senile. His campaign appearances make him look more and more like a doddering little old man.
If We Bail Out Wall Street, Then Kick Out The CEOs
With managements approval Wall Street finagled and cobbled together exotic investments in order to increase firms bottom line without actually increasing their assets. These paper versions of "smoke and mirrors" were at their root, frauds. The practice of "naked short selling" is just fraud. Representing that you have an asset before you actually do would be illegal in any other business. Why is the Wall Street Casino any different.
Pushing through mortgages for buyers who have no way to pay or even qualify for a mortgage is just bad management. Call it "sub prime" or whatever, it's bad business and the management who approved and created that racket needs to be on the street, no golden parachute, no severance. Consider it a plea bargain. In any other business they would be in jail.
Write or call your Congressperson and insist on good governance of the companies we are going to soon own majority stakes in. AIG's entire top management needs to be fired, and as 80% shareholders, we the people can insist on it!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
As Election Nears, Cue The RNC DIrty Tricks
Though the RNC claims it's just a fund raising piece, most political observers feel it is a direct attempt to confuse voters and make them question their registration. Also, letters returned as undeliverable can be challenged at the polls for accurate addresses, a favorite GOP "vote caging" trick. Another possibility would be to have voters re-register, and in many cases too late to be eligible to vote.
Eitehr way, it's the same old tricks the RNC tries in every battleground state to dissenfranchise potential Democratic voters. Word to the wise, if you recieved a mailing from the RNC, consider it a fake and full of lies.
Palin Ditches California Campaign Swing
The McCain Palin ticket is far behind in the California polls and perhaps that is the reason. Maybe the GOP has ceeded California to Obama?
According to the SFGate:
"The Palin events were aimed to benefit the Republican National Committee, and the California Republican Party (chairs and hosts were being told they could give as much as $40,800 a person for those causes). The latest: It's unclear if the fundraisers will go on without her, or if they'll be rescheduled."
Palin Puts Herself At The Top Of The Ticket!
Whispers About McCain - Is He All There?
The NY Times wondered aloud why he had so much trouble speaking about the economy, especially his "the fundamentals of our economy are string" line. Then the story went on to enumerate the many times he supported deregulation and insisted that the economy was strong even though only hours later he denied it.
Time magazine's Joe Klein went so far as to ponder why increasing numbers of people are calling McCain a liar. His voice was not alone.
McCain's campaign seems to be in disarray, and his thinking is as well. He seems muddled and often befuddled when he is questioned and I have to wonder if he would be mentally up to the job of president. After all, every president ages precipitously once in office, and can we afford a doddering swiftly aging McCain as president when his successor is an unqualified hockey-mom with absolutely no foreign policy experience or for that matter knowledge?
FEMA Can't Even Deliver Ice To Devastated Coastal Cities
She said ice was in short supply and the only broadcasting radio station said FEMA could not find any ice in the area and was sending out of state for ice. The rumor that ice was available persisted and yet nobody could figure out where it was being handed out.
Sadly she found a Wal Mart that was open and selling ice, but their supplies were depleated by the time she got through the line. I guess this is part of the Bush plan to privatize the country. FEMA can't find ice, but WalMart can manufacture it and sell it locally!
Are we actually living under a government run bythe Feregni ?
Sign Of The End Times? Bill O'Reilly Criticized Bush
He went on to say:
"He’s done. He’s through. … He will now go down in history…as an ineffectual leader. And I’ll tell you the reason why, it’s poor leadership on his part. The people that he picked to run certain things have been disastrous. And no leadership and now Americans are getting hurt."ThinkProgress has the audio clip!
McCain Speech Becomes Obama Rally!
GOP Senator Says Palin Not Ready To Lead
That said, I have always admired a couple of them. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) is one. He has a genuine conservative outlook and has not been blinded by the neocon ideology. Unfortunately, Hagel is retiring this year and will no longer be a voice of moderation in the Senate.
I guess that leaves him able to really speak truth to power. In an interview he was asked about Sarah Palin's credentials to become Vice President. Hagel said of Palin, “I think it’s a stretch to, in any way, to say that she’s got the experience to be president of the United States."
When asked about her foreign policiy experience he responded with a damning indictment of McCain's campaign strategy.
“I think they ought to be just honest about it and stop the nonsense about, ‘I look out my window and I see Russia and so therefore I know something about Russia,’” he said. “That kind of thing is insulting to the American people.”
Finally, someone who can look at this situation and really call it what it is, an insult!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Cholera In Baghdad
Additionally, roadside bombs are still a problem and he recounts the explosion of one nearby. It is always a sobering thing to read his blog and I encourage you to do so.
FEMA Having Another "Brownie" Moment?
According to a UPI press report:
"Harris County's two top officials say they knew something had to be done when thousands of hurricane victims went away empty-handed after waiting in line all day to receive food, water, ice and tarps to cover their damaged roofs."The press would be all over this but the crash on Wall Street has dominated the media.
Shades of 1929! Dow Plunges Again.
The Dow fell again today 449 points! The breathtaking drop of the past three days wiped out gains for the past year. Sometimes I am glad I am broke, this way I can't lose any more money!
White House Refuses To Answer Economy Question
Obama Leads In Polls - Wipes Out McCain Lead
Overall voters have consistently shown Obama favored when it comes to matters of the economy, and this weeks Wall Street meltdown really tips the scale.
Obama On The Economy
McCain Can't Keep His Acronyms Straight - Dazed and Confused Again!
McCain campaign people have removed these references from their website and from his transcripts. Apparently, they like rewriting history as much as Bush/Cheney.
Carly Fiorina Has A Big Mouth! Buh-Bye
Ms. Fiorina forgets that she was unable to run a major corporation like HP as well. She was booted from the position after HP merged with Compac and share values plummeted. Taking her golden parachute Carly moved into politics and punditry on Fox News.
According to the McCain campaign, she will dissappear from our airwaves as well. ThinkProgress reports an undisclosed source in the campaign told them:
“Carly will now disappear,” this source said. “Senator McCain was furious.” Asked to define “disappear,” this source said, adding that she would be off TV for a while – but remain at the Republican National Committee and keep her role as head of the party’s joint fundraising committee with the McCain campaign.
Fiorina was booked for several TV interviews over the next few days, including one on CNN. Those interviews have been canceled.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Ninja Kitty - Viral Video
McCain Is Dazed And Confused Again
ThinkProgress has the video clip and more.In fact, it is the Senate Banking Committee that has oversight of “banks, banking and financial institutions; control of prices of commodities, rents and services; federal monetary policy, including the Federal Reserve System; financial aid to commerce and industry and money and credit, including currency and coinage.”
According to its Web site, the Commerce Committee oversees 13 areas, beginning with the Coast Guard, and continuing through “regulation of consumer products and services … except for credit, financial services, and housing” — the very areas now in crisis.
As a side note, McCain is blaming the Wall Street melt down on "Fat Cats". Problem is, many of those Fat Cats are funding his campaign. According to Bloomgerg, McCain's "largest campaign donors" were employees of Merrill Lynch, as well as their families, who in total gave the Arizonan $298,413.
Sarah Palin "Is Over" According To WSJ
McCain Invented The Blackberry?
Galveston Devestation Worse Than Reported
Mud cakes streets, houses and businesses. Even the Flagship Hotel, built on concrete pilings and supposedly hurricane resistant may be demolished because of damage to the piers.
Meanwhile the hunt for survivors goes on in a house to house search.
New Obama TV Spot - McCain On Economy
McCain Economic Advisor Could Lead Country Into Next Great Depression
WaMu Looks Shakey. Will Goldman Sachs Be Next?
Rumors are circulating that WaMu might be sold but as to Goldman Sachs, who knows? I am glad I am on the sidelines with only moths in my wallet for once.
New Book Details Cheney's Crimes
Gellman told of a Vice Presidency that has essentially become "Deputy President". Cheney has expanded the powers of the Vice President well beyond the Constitutional duties of presiding over the Senate. Gellman also told of the egregious lies Cheney fed to his party's leaders to get the US into the Iraq war. Specifically the story of Cheney lying to Dick Armey and telling him Saddam would have "suitcase nukes" ready to deploy to terrorists. He told of Armey, who was against the war weeping on the floor of the Senate during the vote.
I only wish this book had come out a couple of years ago when we could have still ousted this criminal administration from power. Now we can only hope to catch up to them after the fact, that is if Bush doesn't give himself and Cheney preemptive pardons.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Is John McCain The Modern Herbert Hoover?
With global warming on the rise. both scenarios are pretty close to reality too.
Obama Strikes Back Against McCain's Weak Economic Record.
“On just about every economic issue, there is not a dime’s worth of difference between John McCain’s proposals and what we have right now. In 19 months, he has not named one thing he would do differently from this administration on the central issue of this election. Not one thing,” Obama said. “So when you walk into that voting booth in 50 days, ask yourself: Can your family afford to take a chance on an economic policy that offers $200 billion in tax breaks to the biggest corporations, including the oil companies, but not one penny of relief to more than 100 million Americans? Because that’s what Sen. McCain is offering.”
Great stuff, especially against the background of the Wall Street meltdown!
Dow Drops Over 500 Points! Where Are The Regulations Now?
If I were an investor holding AIG or WaMu, I would either find a way to bail with what little I had left or try putting the stock certificates up on Ebay as novelty toilet paper. Get ready to see both these firms tank tomorrow.( my prediction)
Palin Met By Thousands Of Protesters In Alaska
McCain Plays Near Empty Arena Without Palin

Huffington Post has more.
Treasury Secretary Paulson - Bush Is A Great Boss?
Meanwhile, McCain claims he can get the economy on track? He is the problem, and all his GOP cronies and now they think we are idiots?
Meanwhile the Dow keeps dropping. Down over 350 points right now. How do those sub-prinme mortgages look now as investments?
Count How Many Times McCain Lies! It's Fun.

Want to know how many times McCain has lied in his campaign? This new site keeps count.
The new McCainpedia site has everything you need to know.
Check it out.
After Claiming Econnomy Is Strong - Now McCain Says It's InTrouble!
Now he claims only he can fix it. Where the hell was he for the last 12 years? In the Senate blocking any effort a regulation of the markets. How the hell does he expect to fix it with former lobbyists from AIG, Merill Lynch and Lehman on his campaign staff? His lies are becoming so outrageous they would seem laughable, except that the public is buying some of it.
Well here is the real narrative. McCain is a part of the problem, and Sarah Palin and mooseburgers are not going to change that. McCain is the problem, he represents the GOP strangle hold on Washington that was only broken in 2006. It will take time to undo their disaster, and the chickens have not finished comming home to roost. Wacth for more failures and fire sales in the near future.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Lehman Bros. Flops & Merill Lynch Sells Out!
The unbridled and unregulated greed that has driven the Republican "greed is good" economic engine has just sputtered to a halt. Alan Greenspan spoke of it today on ABC This Week, and his words seem like prophecy more than ever.
This is the result of the fast-buck mentality that has driven things like the sub-prime mortgage scam and other schemes. It's time we got the foxes out of the regulation hen house and began de-politicising the regulation of our markets and economy. The Bush program of giving away the farm on the alter of the "invisible had of the market" must stop!