Wednesday, September 03, 2008

More Hillary Supporters Move To Obama

For those worried that Hillary supporters would defect to the GOP the Gallup Poll has an interesting statistic. Prior to the Democratic Convention 70% of Hillary supporters said they would support Obama as the candidate of the Democratic Party. After the convention that number rises to 81%!

Obama's support now hits the 50% mark a full 8 points over McCain as of September 2. It remains to be seen if there is a post GOP convention bump for McCain.

1 comment:

PerfectMomentProject said...

A woman's a woman's a woman... really, Margaret Thatcher? ... So, Palin becomes VP and then in four years, the American public put her in office as President to replace an ailing, very aging McCain. What year would it be then? 1914? Here's another take on how you too can be president.