Saturday, September 06, 2008

HRC & The Log Cabin Republicans

Contrary to the rumor being circulated, The Human Rights Campaign Fund has made no contribution to the Log Cabin Republicans. I suspect the rumor was started by someone in the LCR who wanted to give their ludicrous endorsement of John McCain for President some credibility.

Below is a statement on the nomination of Sarah Palin and John McCain by the HRC.

"John McCain claims to be a maverick who breaks with his party, but on matters of LGBT equality, he's shown that he's anything but. He actively campaigned for a constitutional amendment that would have banned marriage and domestic partnerships for same-sex couples in his home state of Arizona. He went so far as to appear in television commercials for that campaign, is now supporting an amendment to strip marriage equality from California couples and has said that he would vote for a federal marriage amendment if laws already banning marriage equality were to be struck down by federal courts. Sarah Palin has also supported bans on marriage and even domestic partner benefits in Alaska. The Republican Party, McCain and Palin's party, has declared in its platform that they want to pass the federal marriage amendment. Their party's platform also calls gay and lesbian Americans unfit for military service, supports policies that would allow faith-based organizations to deny us jobs and services using federal dollars, and attacks judges who acknowledge our equality under the law. The Human Rights Campaign endorses mavericks on both sides of the aisle- neither John McCain nor Sarah Palin is among them," said HRC President Joe Solmonese.


planet trans said...

If the truth is that HRC funds the Log Cabin Republicans with one of their shadow entities or directly is apples or oranges.
Your comment "this story is bogus" remains. I do encourage differing views.
According to a email from the National Co-Chair of Stonewall Dems they were snubbed and the Logs funded.

Hardy Haberman said...

After digging a bit I did find that HRC Equality Votes (a 527 run by HRC, hardly a "shadow entity") donated funds to a group called Republicans Who Care. This is not the LCR.

I am not a big fan of the GOP and I have a real problem with The HRC for their position on the ENDA issue, but I don't think they need to be smeared for this. They are supposed to be a non-partisan group according to their charter.

I have little love for McCain and his hand puppet Palin, but on balance the HRC does more good than bad.