Thursday, April 13, 2006

Info On WMD, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Vanishes From State Department Web Site

Funny how this administration likes to hide things. Even public documents like those issued by the State Department on their web site mysteriously disappear.

While looking for information about Weapons of Mass Destruction and Nuclear Non-Proliferation on the State Department Web Site, I found any links to these topics return a " Sorry, you have tried to access a page that is not available.' message. All the other pages I went to gave me the information I was seeking but these topics have suddenly become SECRET.

Were I cynical I would say they were planning another BIG LIE and are covering their tracks. My bet is, look for more wild statements from Condi and Bush regarding Iran and the nuclear threat soon.

In fact in a press conference yesterday she gave a hint of what is to come:

Iran has been offered many opportunities to negotiate in good faith -- by the Europeans, by the Russians. They've never taken those opportunities. They are -- we've had a presidential statement that made numerous -- that reinforced those requirements. The Iranians did not react to that. And so yes, when we -- we're consulting now and when the Security Council reconvenes, I think it will be time for action.

Sounds like the bombs will be flying soon! Get out your helmets.

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