Saturday, June 21, 2008

McCain Says Roe Vs Wade Should Be Overturned!

For those of you who have told me they would vote for McCain since Hillary wasn't going to be the nominee for the Democrats, I thought this little clip courtesy of The Jed Report would be instructional.


PunditFight said...

I heard your segment on Joe Salzone's show on Sirius. I enjoyed it, yes there was an American 'Idol reference'. There was also a part where you talked about Huckabee's affability. It's sort of what I cover on my own blog, do you happen to have any audio of the segment? Was a good conversation.

Hardy Haberman said...

Glad you heard the show! Thanks for the compliment.
I do not have a recording of it. If anyone else does, can you send me a file of the show and I'll post it.

Hardy Haberman