Friday, June 20, 2008

Mars Probe May Have Found Water On Red Planet!

So I am sitting here looking at an image posted on NASA's web site that gives me chills. Its of the trench dug by the Mars Phoenix Lander. So big deal it's a trench...Well they posted a moving image that shows the trench over a 3 day period and guess what? Stuff in the trench disappears!

Clumps and what appear to be rocks vanish over three days. Unless there are little Martians hauling the rocks away it means these clumps sublimated. That means they were held together by water and it turned to gas, basically evaporating from the surface. Finally, proof that there is water on the surface of Mars!

That is huge news. From recent research here on earth we have found that almost everywhere there is water, there can be life and though it might be microscopic that life, if it exists on Mars, is first contact!

That is really exciting to me. All my life I have dreamed of finding life on another planet and though it isn't little green men, it might just be a clue as to the prevalence of life in the universe.
Now that is really cool!

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