Monday, August 13, 2007

Karl Rove - "Odi profanum vulgus et arceo!"

“Odi profanum vulgus et arceo” So spoke the Emperor Nero and I suspect this phrase meaning “I loathe the common rabble, send them away” would work for Karl Rove as well. As the man once called “the architect” of the Bush administration steps down, he said to a reporter, “I'm not going to stay or leave based on whether it pleases the mob."

Well I guess we , the American people are the mob he refers to and guess what Karl. It pleases us a whole lot! His response gives some insight into his attitude and that of the whole Bush bunch into their feelings about the “rest of us”. The Bushies feel superior, not only in political position but as privlidged human beings. You see to them we are the teeming masses, worthy of only lip service and occasional handshakes. They live in gated-guarded compounds and interact with the real citizens of this country only in photo ops.

As Karl runs from Washington to escape prosecution, he will find few friends among the rabble and just might end up like Nero becoming one of history’s most despised characters.


Anonymous said...

btw, it was Horace, not Nero. and while I share your opinion of Karl Rove, I am worried that he might have forgotten his 'political playbook' in DC and there were way too many people willing to adopt his style as their own. it is sad. his 'legacy' of filth, distortion, 'anything goes" attacks might outlive him.
btw, posting as anonymous, since i don't blog (or comment) usually


Hardy Haberman said...

Thanks Jane,

I had remembered the quote from High School and my memory fades, apparently it was Quintus Horatius Flaccus to be precise. Thanks for the correction.

Also thanks for posting your name, too!