Friday, August 17, 2007

Joe Sixpack And The Bush Divorce Rumors

On my blog I usually talk about politics and activism. I spend quite a bit of time pouring over news services for tidbits that give an insight into what is going on in our government. It takes that kind of research since almost all branches of it have become secret cabals where the administration hides things. I also read other blogs and think tanks and link to them wherever I can.

You would think that something like that would be of interest to people. You would think! But instead a few months ago I did a piece on a tabloid story about Bush and Laura getting a divorce. It was most likely fabrication, though it keeps resurfacing in various media as a hint. Amazingly, most of the referrals to my blog come from people searching for that information. People would rather have gossip than facts!

Do I find that disturbing? Hell yes! Other than the schadenfreude of seeing Bush go through at least a little of the hell he has put the rest of the country through, I could care less. So what if people have said Laura is now living at the Mayflower Hotel down the street from the White House? Who cares other than George, Laura and their kids?

What should be worrying people is the complete breakdown of checks and balances that used to be the hallmark of our country’s government. What should worry people is the politicization of government agencies like FEMA. Remember how well that worked during Katrina?

The articles about the Bush divorce are interesting only in that they would have been unthinkable a few years ago. The willingness of the tabloid press to do them means Joe Sixpack is over he “he can do no wrong” phase of their feelings about the President. That’s good news.

Perhaps, and this is a big perhaps, now some of those folks will start reading the real news and realize what a mess we are in. I really do believe that American’s can and will take back our country from the corporate gangs that now run it. The first thing we need to do is to wake up.

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