Sunday, August 12, 2007

Dallas Gay Church Rasies Record Amount For Peace Chapel

Our church will break ground on the new Interfaith Peace Chapel next month. The project, part of the larger new cathedral designed by architect Philip Johnson, will be a wonderful addition to both our church facilities and the architecture of Dallas. The design is free form and different from anything the late architect ever designed. It will be the last building he designed that will be built and as such will probably get a lot of notice.

Another amazing part of the project was the fact that the congregation raised almost all the fund necessary to start the building, over $3 million, in one year. For our 37th anniversary we set out to raise $3.7 million and got amazingly close. Our Senior Pastor Dr. Jo Hudson and the Dean of the Cathedral Michael Piazza announced the total at today's service.

Unfortunately, I was out of town. However I managed to keep up by watching on the Internet.
For more information go to

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