Sunday, July 08, 2007

Cindy Sheehan Asks Pelosi To Impeach, Or Else?

I like Nancy Pelosi. I really do, but her statement that impeachment was off the table several months ago really didn't set right with me. It seemed timid and overly politically correct and frankly a little lame.

Apparently Cindy Sheehan feels the same way. Next week she starts a 13 day caravan from Crawford, TX to Washington, DC. Along the way she will talk a lot about impeachment and stopping the war, and when she reaches Washington if Pelosi has not decided to join other Democrats in a move to impeach Bush and Cheney, she will campaign for Pelosi's seat in the House.

I sincerely hope Harry Reid and the other Democrats listen to her and do a little soul searching of their own. They were swept into office on a wave of discontent with the status quo, and according to a recent poll over half of America would back their move for impeachment. The public knows Bush and Cheney are cheats and liars and worse, criminals. It's time Congress acted like they read the news and actually consider what the criminals in the White House have done. It's time for reckoning, and if they won't do it, then other Americans will step up and take their place and will!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like Cindy, but I've lost respect for her.

This has got to be one the dumbest things she has done yet.