Monday, July 09, 2007

Bush Invokes Executive Privlidge Again - Obviously He is Hiding Something Big

Why doesn't the press just say what is painfully evident, Bush and Cheney are in the bunker, awaiting their final days in office. Once again, Bush invokes "executive privilege" to block an aid to Karl Rove from testifying before Congress. Once again the White House shrouds itself in secrecy to avoid letting the public know how many laws they have broken and what I can only assume are criminal acts.

I will use the Bush administrations own logic here. Tony Snow said something to the effect that the warrantless wiretapping was no problem unless you were a terrorist and had something to hide. Well, Bush should have no problem letting the public know what he is doing if he is not a criminal and has nothing to hide. The same goes for Dick Cheney. Obviously these guys have lots to hide and it isn't in the interest of national security, unless you consider keeping them in office a priority.

It's long past time for these criminals to go. Demand impeachment from your Congressperson and Senators. Demand that they do their job as your representatives and defenders of the Constitution. Kick the criminals out of the White House soon, or the American people might just follow the example of our forefathers.

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