Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bush Pleads Guilty - Says His Administration Leaked CIA Name

Sometimes the off the cuff statements at a press conference are more dramatic than the intended purpose of the press conference. That is the case of today's meeting with President Bush. In what can only be considered a startling admission, Bush confirmed that someone in his administration leaked the name of an undercover intelligence officer for the CIA.

If you remember, Bush swore he would dismiss anyone who did this and swore to get to the bottom of the leak. Apparently he was counting on the short attention span of the American people. In the same press conference he dismissed that admission as old news. Well it might be old news to him but not to most of us.

He also defended his commutation of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the former aide to Vice President Cheney who was convicted of perjury. Not a very good argument for that one, since he criticised the sentencing as being too harsh, yet dozens of criminals receive the same sentence or harsher every year.

With this admission of guilt pointing to the White House, it's time for impeachment for the good of the country and our constitution.

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