Tuesday, October 14, 2008

McCain's Health Plan? Unbelievable!

As one of the 45 million Americans without health care insurance I am very interested in the health plans being proposed by the candidates. The group Health Care Now was producing a plan about the proposed plans and when they told people McCain's plan they wouldn't believe it. Frankly, nobody should, because it's unworkable and would provide less than we have now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only reason why I am alive today is because I happen to have an Honorable Discharge from the US Army. Without that, VA Hospital would not have been able to help me in 2001, and I would have slowly and painfully died. We AMERICANS need a health care system which covers uninsured American Citizens the way VA covered me (an uninsured American) with my health problems.

richard h.
fort worth, tx, usa