Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bottled Water Has Undisclosed Pollutants

Next time you choose to buy a bottle of water rather than just getting a glass and filling it from the tap, ask yourself why? If you believe that bottled water is safer and cleaner than tap water, think again.

In a recent study done by the Washington-based Environmental Working Group, results from samples of leading bottled waters found lots of things you might have thought you were avoiding.
Of over 38 chemicals and contaminates found here are some of the more interesting:
  • bacteria
  • caffeine
  • the pain reliever acetaminophen
  • fertilizer
  • industrial solvents
  • plastic-making chemicals
  • the radioactive element strontium
Most likely some came from the tap water many companies use to make their bottled water, but others come from the bottling and plastics of the containers.

From an article in the Associated Press:
"In some cases, it appears bottled water is no less polluted than tap water and, at 1,900 times the cost, consumers should expect better," said Jane Houlihan, an environmental engineer who co-authored the study.
We in America have some of the best drinking water in the world. Our public water supplies with a few exceptions are not only safe but remarkably safe. So why keep adding to the landfill with plastic bottles when we can use a nice washable glass and turn on the tap to get clean drinkable water? Guess all that advertising works!

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