Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Texas Legislature Begins Giving Away The State - Starting With The Texas State Railroad!

Sometimes it’s hard not to cuss! The blasted Legislature of this confounded state have just given away one of our state treasures. Given away! That means for nothing, nada, zip, bupkis, no denero! The wonderful and cherished Texas State Railroad is being given to a private company to run as of Sept. 1!

What the heck is wrong with these guys and gals down in Austin? The Texas State Railroad is a living piece of Texas history. One of the last remaining steam railroads operating in the country and along an incredibly scenic part of the Piney Woods, it is part of our heritage. The railroad and state park operate at a loss, no surprise, lots of state parks and monuments do not make a profit! But Gawd forbid you not make a profit in the Great $tate of Texa$. I would ask that same Legislature if they operate at a profit? Well the answer would undoubtedly be yes, a big profit from contributions by companies like American Heritage Railways who is getting the railroad for free. The pockets of quite a few politicians were probably lined for this boondoggle, and since railroads are anachronistic in this area, it will probably go unnoticed.

Well I noticed! What will these pirates privatize next? I would suggest the parking lot at the State Capitol for starters. After all these freeloading guys and gals get free parking. No profit in that! Next let’s privatize their health insurance and have them pay the premium like lots of Texans have to do. Surprise! I figure it would only take a couple of months before state wide health insurance would be proposed.

Personally, I am looking at the roll call for this vote and I will vote against any member who endorsed it Democrat or Republican. It’s times like these that I feel like my grandfather, he never voted for anyone, but he always voted “agin ‘em” .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This in my opinion is absolutely disgraceful. Similar to the idea that our tollroads could have lined the pocket of a business person in Spain.

I wish that our government could look at our heritage and see it as a "rich" resource even if it isn't making the country rich with $$.