Thursday, July 19, 2007

Christian Broadcast Network Defends Obama? Is this a sign of the End Times?

Mitt Romney made a wild accusation at Barak Obama regarding the teaching of sex education to young children. The way Romney tells it Obama would be teaching from "Heather Has Two Mommies" in kindergarten. Hold the phone! Seems like David Brody, commentator at CBN, the Pat Robinson propaganda machine comes to Obama's defense with the....(drum roll) TRUTH!

OMG! It's real. Brody corrects Romney with the actual statement by Obama hat any sex education for youngsters should be age appropriate. IN other words he thinks telling little ones the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching is important to keep them safe from predators. Bravo Barack! He also says it's appropriate to give science accurate info when they begin asking questions. No storks or finding babies under cabbage leaves.

My only worry is that a CBN reporter came to the defense of a Democratic candidate. I am looking toward the sky now for those 4 horsemen!

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