Sunday, August 22, 2010

Who is that Old Guy in the Mirror?

Sometimes I have to look at myself in the mirror and admit that I am not only heavier than I was 30 years ago, but 30 years older.  That is a tough thing for me to get.  Oh, I don't have a problem with the number of years I have lived on this earth, what I do have a problem with is feeling like I am no longer young.  That is the part that sucks.

My health is pretty good, I don't drink or do drugs and only smoke an occasional cigar.  I stay out of the sun and try to make sure I walk for 20-30 minutes a day.  Yet, after a morning of working on a minor construction project in our backyard, I feel worn out.  That's the part that sucks.

Additionally, as if to drive home the point I visited an ophthalmologist to get my eyes examined in advance of getting new glasses.  I had already gotten over the whole trifocals shock a few years ago, but this time she looked in my eyes and after a lot of "humms" she asked me if I knew what cataracts were.  Great!

Not in immediate need of any action, but if they get worse she suggested surgery.  If I ever needed a signpost that I was getting old, it is that!  But enough bellyaching, I have a whole lot of work to do.  My new book is in progress, though not nearly finished, and my work with NLA-International, the advisory board of Woodhull Freedom Foundation as well as the local Stonewall Democrats should keep me occupied.

That and holding down a full time job, a really great relationship with my partner and taking care of our house and 2 cats should be enough to prevent further descents into "feeling my age".  Besides, when I tell folks my age, they always lie and say they would never have guessed.  I am grateful for either their poor eyesight, or their kind lies.

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