Monday, August 23, 2010

Fox News Investor Funding "Terror" Mosque?

So if you ever wanted proof that Fox News isa bunch of either clueless jerks or just plain evil, the Daily Show just set everyone straight.

Al Walid bin Talal, a major shareholder in News Corp, the Fox parent company, is a major contributor to the Kingdom Foundation which is backing the Islamic cultural center in New York.  That same cultural center Fox is calling a "Terror Mosque".  So Fox News is in effect funding the mosque and also igniting the whole controversy about it.

But of course no announcer or news reader or whatever they call their on air talking heads has told anyone this fact. They are either covering it up or they are stupid and I doubt that.

So here is the thing, Fox improves it's ratings and the GOP brand by drumming up a fake controversy that they are in part funding.  I gotta come down on the side of evil...that is just plain cynical and evil.

The problem is that the Fox audience is too stupid to even get the connection if you told them...and so the whole thing is both evil and stupid.  Go figure?

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