Thursday, April 10, 2008

So Much For My Truck!

I am off to Florida today for the premier edition of Beyond Leather. The new event promises to be a great contribution to the Florida leather scene and the organizers, Sir Top and slave bonnie are wonderful people!

The good news was we went storm chasing yesterday. We were on the storm that produced all the tornadoes, but we couldn’t keep up with it because of the roads in that part of Texas.

The bad news is that after we returned home last night our neighborhood was hit by severe weather and a huge tree fell in front of our house, crushing my truck! Luckily we were both indoors at 4:05am when it happened and are OK. The tree is blocking the entire street and my truck looks like it’s a gonner. Both doors crushed in and all the windows broken.
And I am leaving town this morning! Great timing.

I will be back to blogging later next week when I return.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Hardy,
Sorry to hear about your truck. :-( Just read about it in your blog.
Hope you can claim something on your insurance.