Monday, January 21, 2008

Stephen Colbert Portrait Hangs At Smithsonian!

Life imitates art and art imitates life. Hard to tell which one is doing the impersonations, but Stephen Colbert now has his portrait hanging in the Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian National Gallery in Washington, DC.

The portrait hangs as part of a spoof that Colbert did as he tried to get the Smithsonian to accept his portrait into their collection. The director of the gallery finally acceded to Colbert’s request and hung the painting temporarily. It sits between the restrooms above a drinking fountain. Not a bad location for a fake pundit!

Now crowds are turning up to see it and the portrait is having the unexpected effect of bringing people to the gallery who might not otherwise visit. Sounds like a win-win situation.

Click here to see the portrait at the National Portrait Gallery web site. This link may expire in a few months.

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