Wednesday, November 28, 2007

More Cheney Predictions - Dubai?

Back in March, Halliburton moved its corporate headquarters to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Around that same time I made the prediction that Dick Cheney would soon resign and move there to be closer to his money. Well I was wrong. Cheney has refused to follow my prediction, so I will have to revise it I guess.

I still believe he will resign before the end of his term and move to Dubai. It just my take longer than I figured. Still the latest news of his heart problems leads me to believe his cover story of a bad heart will still work for the ploy to put possible Republican Presidential candidate in the VP seat for the incumbent boost.

Again, revising my prediction, McCain, who is no longer much of a candidate won’t get the VP prize. I suspect it may be someone trusted like Condi Rice, who would be a valuable part of a GOP ticket should she accept a VP seat. Stay tuned!

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