Saturday, November 10, 2007

Fox News Awash In Gratuitous Sex & Nudity

As Fox blares its criticism of TV sex and nudity, it fills its shows with it and actively tries to titillate viewers. Hypocrisy? Duh!

1 comment:

Michele Boselli said...

VOTE YOUR FAVOURITE BLOG among the 40 shortlisted in Miss Welby's

voting is easy - simply post a comment on Miss Welby's blog stating your favourite blogs among the 40 shortlisted in the sidebar on the left (the blogroll "people I fear" below the polls). there are two awards' categories - Italian and non-Italian blogs, 18 and 22 respectively. you can vote for just one category or both. you can vote more than one blog in each category, but it will be weighed accordingly: half if you vote two, one third if three, etc. Poll ends November 30