Thursday, May 24, 2007

Insurance Companies Ask Neighbors About Your Morality And Lifestyle

Insurance companies. They pretty much run Texas and now the rest of the country as well. Try getting health insurance if you are self employed. It ain't gonna happen. Conditions as minor as childhood asthma can cause the insurance thugs to send you to a "high-risk pool" where you will be charged over $1000 a month for a piss poor policy.

Now it seems that they are going door to door and asking about the "morality and lifestyle" of applicants from their neighbors. Funny, sounds like they are looking for people who are gay or lesbian. I used to think this kind of crap was illegal, but not in the big new world of Bush-o-nomics! If you move to another state you can be red-lined and good luck finding a policy.

Time for national health insurance! People in other countries do OK with it, why not here?

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