Monday, January 08, 2007

New York Stinks - Or At Least Its Mayors Explanation Does

In an amazing show of bravado, Mayor Bloomberg of NYC told anxious citizens that the noxious gas smell was "not dangerous". When asked what it was, he said they had no idea. OK, maybe my logic skills need a little polishing but just because you don’t know what it is does not make it benign. It was not natural gas, but it had traces of the material normally added to natural gas to give it its odor. That is a long way from knowing what the odor was caused by and declaring it safe. If you remember the World Trade Center site was declared safe only a couple of days after the event and now workers at the site report major health problems.

Calm down everyone, nothing to worry about, no problems. What a bunch of malarkey! It sounds like Bloomberg is getting his dialogue out of a 1950’s movie rather than from any kind of scientific research. If I were a New Yorker, I’d keep my eyes and ears open. Whatever that smell was it was not normal and my guess is that in a few weeks we will really find what it is.

Terrorism? Probably not, but industrial accidents are often not revealed until weeks and months after to diffuse blame.

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