Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Stewart/Colbert '08?

Even though I have often thought of adding a Stewart/Colbert 08 bumper sticker to the growing billboard on the tailgate of my truck, I have resisted. A simple "Had enough? Vote Democratic" sticker will do for now. Stewart, the king of fake news, says of the growing phenomenon, "Nothing says 'I am ashamed of you my government' more than 'Stewart/Colbert '08"

As for me, I think having a comedian as president might not be too bad, after all right now we have a clown.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we have a crazy man as president.
The deficit is out of control.
Does any one recall when he said his tax cuts will not affect the budget surplus?
George has also gotten us into another Vietman.
Way not to go George.