Friday, April 02, 2010

Census Time

It amazes me how every ten years the nuts come out of the woodwork shouting that the census is illegal.  It's in the frigging Constitution!  It is not only legal, but without good figures on how many Americans there are the government couldn't serve the people's interests in a HUGE variety of ways.  Highway money, education, health care, law enforcement, emergency services, broadcasting, telecommunications, just about every aspect of our lives is affected by this. 

The follow up survey which some folks receive that asks more detailed questions is equally important.  It gives a better picture of who America is and how we live.  Without that information lawmakers would be far less informed as to the makeup of their constituents. (I know some are clueless anyway...but....)

The most common paranoia is that the goverment will be coming to your door to:
A. Take away your hunting rifle
B. Euthanize your grandmother
C. Take away your children
D. Insert crazy idea here!
Here's the deal, they aren't going to do any of that!  So please fill out the census and return it so we can have the representation we deserve in DC, and so we won't have to spend a whole lot more money tracking down the holdouts and wackos, just to count them!

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