Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Another Right Wing Wacko Arrested for Making Death Threats

I have to wonder what Charles Allen Wilson expected when he left a profanity laced threat on Senator Patty Murry's voice mail?

When you call someone up leaves the cheery recording, "there's a target on your back only takes one piece of lead. Kill the (expletive) senator!" it's not a joke. That is a direct death threat and no mater how you parse it it's wrong.

What's worse, the guy who left it had a blocked number. Luckily the FBI wasn't deterred and found the caller and confirmed his threat by posing as an anti-health care reformer. Sure enough he repeated the threat and told the caller he had a gun and would use it.

This kind of anger is being stirred up by the Tea Baggers and their media friends at Fox. They sit back like kids on a playground goading others into a fight. Once the actual violence begins they shake their heads and wonder how it got this far.

Well, I know it seems like a pat answer, but in this case it's true, blame the media.

Specifically, Fox and the right wing noise machine have got their minions so scared that they would resort to violence to stop Congress from passing a bill that will bring them better and more affordable medical care. Go figure?

I have read much of the bill and it is far from socialized medicine, in fact it is a boon to insurance companies. Why the vehemence? That comes from the GOP and the right who is really angry that they lost the election, and they have diverted that anger into anything the President wants. It's all about race people, if you don't believe it listen to the "protesters" at the Tea Bagger rallies and their name calling and racial epithets.

The calls of "we want our country back" really mean "we don't like the fact that we lost" and "we don't want a black man in the White House". The level of anger is not over health care reform it's over a bunch of white people who are incensed that things in this country have changed and racial prejudice is dying. The Tea Party is the last gasp of racism, fighting with all its strength to stay alive.

Luckily, the tide of history is sweeping over these folks and they will soon fade away. They won't go quietly, and until they either learn to live with a more egalitarian power structure or they shrink back into the backwoods, they will be noisy. They will also bear watching.

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