Saturday, November 29, 2008

New FDA Regulation Allows Poison In Infant Formula

How much Melamine is safe for infants? Well back in October the FDA said they didn't know, but now they have set a level of 1 part per million of melamine in formula, provided a related chemical isn't present. No research is cited, no explanation of why it's safe, just a new regulation that is higher than the level previously allow and even higher than regulations in countries like Taiwan.

The chemical that poisoned infants in China is now considered safe in low doses for our kids? How much poison is not all that bad? This is another attempt by the outgoing Bush administration to shove through regulations that are beneficial to business, especially imported goods business, and detrimental to our citizens. Another last minute "F*#k You" on the way out the White House door.

Couldn't we just arrest the guy and his henchmen and charge them with treason now?

1 comment:

ng2000 said...

Valuable resource of FDA news summaries: