Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bush Drinking Again? Sure Looks Like It!

It's no secret that I am a recovering addict. I last used drugs and alcohol over 20 years ago and have been clean and sober ever since. I know a lot of recovering alcoholics and I have seen my share of them have slips, so I can tell you with some knowledge that I really believe President Bush has "slipped".

From the pictures of him downing the traditional Peruvian cocktail, a Pisco Sour, to his reclusive and erratic behavior of late Mr Bush looks very much like a drunk who has fallen off the wagon. Slurred speech, (well he always sounds like that) confused and disoriented. Looking very tired and downright unhealthy!

I am not the only one who thinks so either. The problem is having a lame duck president who is soused and liable to do just about anything. I understand why Laura wants to live in Dallas and let him live on the ranch!

Now the question is how do you do an intervention on the President? If he is drinking again, the Secret Service has been enabling him. Worse he has been wandering around world leaders and you know how "handsy" he can get, just ask Angela Merkel.

Maybe he would just like to take a long vacation at the ranch and just let President Elect Obama step in for the news few weeks?

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