Saturday, October 25, 2008

Radical Fundamentalists Use Scare Tactics Against Obama

OK, get ready for a big industrial sized drum of crazy! The "Christian" right, (AKA fundamentalist radicals) is starting to use the worst kind of scare tactics I have seen in my lifetime.

Charisma Magazine, a Pentecostal publication, titled one of its recent weekly e-mails to readers, "Life As We Know It Will End If Obama is Elected."

From the Focus
on the Family bunch comes this insanity:

• A 6-3 liberal majority Supreme Court that results in rulings like one making gay marriage the law of the land and another forcing the Boy Scouts to "hire homosexual scoutmasters and allow them to sleep in tents with young boys." (In the imagined scenario, The Boy Scouts choose to disband rather than obey).

• Nationalized health care with long lines for surgery and no access to hospitals for people over 80.

The list goes on and it's all designed to terrify potential voters. It is a last ditch attempt to scare people and it is a despicable and very "un-Christian" thing to do. No surprise there I guess but I thought you should know.

Fear is the tactic used by people who have thrown their principals out in favor of "win at any cost" and in difficult times like these we do not need any more baseless fear, we need calm cool leadership. That's why I am voting for Obama!

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