Saturday, August 16, 2008

John McCain - Hubris & Delusion

McCain sprang into action when he woke up to the Georgia invasion. First sensing a great photo op, he began talking to the press. An article in the Washington Post documents his first bout of hubris.
Standing behind a lectern in Michigan this week, with two trusted senators ready to do his bidding, John McCain seemed to forget for a moment that he was only running for president.

Asked about his tough rhetoric on the ongoing conflict in Georgia, McCain began: "If I may be so bold, there was another president . . ."

He caught himself and started again: "At one time, there was a president named Ronald Reagan who spoke very strongly about America's advocacy for democracy and freedom."

Then he sent his own personal "envoys", Senator Lindsey Graham and Senator Joe Lieberman to Georgia to asses the situation. And they call Obama presumptious for visiting Berlin?

The delusional part comes from McCains quote on the Georgia crisis, the first serious international crisis since the end of the Cold War." I guess Senator McCain does not think or invasion of Iraq, or the war in Afghanistan are major enough, or that 9/11 wasn't major enough.

Watch it:

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