Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Truth About Obama - Fight The Smears

The Obama campaign is one of the most net-savvy organizations to hit the political scene in years. They have decided to directly confront the lies being spread over the internet and by various hat-talk radio hosts. The site, called Fight the Smears is part of the Obama campaign site and rather than ignoring the lies calls them and their perpetrators out.

For example, Rush Limbaugh has said repeatedly that there is a video circulating of Michelle Obama using the word “whitey” from the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ. There is no such tape and the whole rumor is designed to instill fear in bigoted people who are irrationally afraid of African Americans.

Check the site out and refer your friends to it. It’s time to stop the rumors and spread the truth!


banknotez said...

The main site is

But all the above does is jump to the sub page as listed by your blog. Easier to remember the above domain name however.


Hardy Haberman said...


I fixed the link!