Monday, June 09, 2008

McClellan To Testify Before Congress!

Congressman Robert Wexler has been pushing for accountability form the Bush Administration for their barrage of lies leading up to the Iraq war. The idea of impeachment is part of his plan. Now, it seems that might be a little closer to reality as Scott McClellan, former White House Press Secretary has agreed to testify before the House Judiciary Committee. That was made official today as Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers officially invited Mr. McClellan to testify under oath on Friday, June 20th at 10AM.

This should make for some interesting viewing as McClellan comes forward with the truth about goings on in the White House prior to the war and during other critical times such as the Valerie Plame scandal.

Wexler has already listed his top three questions for McClellan under oath.

1. What role did President Bush, Vice President Cheney , and key administration officials take in the effort to reveal the identity of covert CIA agent Valeria Plame Wilson – thus destroying her network and putting lives in jeopardy?

2. What role did President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and key administration officials take regarding the firing of U.S. Attorneys or political reasons?

3. What role did President Bush, Vice President Cheney, key administration officials take in conspiring to blatantly break U.S. and International laws prohibiting the use of torture?

Maybe now we can get real answers and some kind of closure on this tragic period in American Democracy.

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