Thursday, December 13, 2007

Nigerian Churches Hunt Children Accused of Being "Witches"

So here is the danger of exporting a biblical literalism version of Christianity. In Nigeria, hundreds of children are being branded as "witches" and being put to death in the name of Christianity. Sounds like a bad movie plot but it’s real.

In areas of Nigeria as well as other parts of the developing world, "Christian" churches are offering exorcisms and "deliverances" from witchcraft for money. Never underestimate the ingenuity of people to make a buck on other people’s beliefs! The sad part is this time it’s leading to murder.

You will perhaps remember that it is some of the Nigerian bishops in the Episcopal church that are screaming the loudest about ordaining gay priests. It seems to me that in that country fundamentalism, the brand of Christianity that was brought by missionaries years ago has finally reaped its reward. It saddens me that any church dedicated to the "Prince of Peace" could sanction this kind of brutality.

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