Monday, December 10, 2007

"If Dick Cheney Didn’t Have Government Care, He’d Probably Be Dead Now" - New Ad Campaign!

Do you have a health problem? If you are like me and millions of other Americans, you can’t get individual health insurance unless you work for a big company with a group policy. Even then it might be prohibitively expensive. Not so for our government folks like Dick Cheney. They enjoy great health care with no expenses. How come single payer health care works for them, but they always vote against it? Well, that is the question being asked by an ad in several Iowa newspapers today.

The California Nurses Association and the Nurses Organizing Committee are sponsoring full page ads that explain how wonderful government health care can be. They use Dick Cheney as an example. If Cheney had no insurance he would undoubtedly be dead today. Instead he gets the best treatment at no expense to him. The group is urging Congress and voters to pressure Congress for a Medicare package for all Americans. Bravo nurses!

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