Thursday, December 06, 2007

Hate Crimes Legislation Including Gays & Lesbians Falls By The Wayside

Welcome to the side of the road! If you are a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender American, Congress has just thrown you under the bus. The hate crimes bill which was attached to a military spending bill by Senator Edward Kennedy, failed to garner enough support to pass the House. Though many Democrats were for the bill and even some Republican moderates (if such an animal truly exists) supported the bill, many were worried that voting for it inside a spending bill for the War effort would make them look too hawkish. And so GLBT people once again take a back seat in Congress.

Senate backers of the bill expressed their disappointment at the reluctance in the House but in the end they could do nothing about it. The sad truth is it was the last chance this year to get any meaningful legislation passed to protect GLBT people from hate crimes. Once again GLBT people are second class citizens and once again Congress has shown it has no backbone when it comes to gay issues.

The answer? Elect even more liberal representatives to the House to offset the alleged "moderates" who vote like conservatives. The alternative, moving to Canada, just doesn’t sit well with me, yet.

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