Thursday, December 06, 2007

CIA Destroys Video Evidence of Torture

The lack of accountability in the Bush administration really seems to grow greater every day. On the latest news that the CIA destroyed videotapes of its, "harsh interrogation" techniques used on two Al Qaeda operatives because the tapes, "could expose agency officials to greater risk of legal jeopardy."

Hell yes it could expose it to legal jeopardy, especially since they were using illegal techniques, otherwise why destroy the tapes. This is beginning to remind me of the films the Nazi’s made documenting their war crimes, never figuring they would ever be called to task for them.

Time for a reckoning for the CIA and the Bush administration. When will impeachment be "back on the table"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watch "Zeitgeist" whether that film has any truth to it or not, I think it's important everybody knows of the conspiracy "The North American Union".