Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Shredded Humvees Hit By IEDs Hidden By Pentagon

A few days ago I saw a bumper sticker that really summed it up, "Nice Hummer, Sorry About Your Penis". The Hummer or Humvee in it's military incarnation has always been a macho machine. Big, wide and a gas guzzler. As with it's civilian counterpart, it looks formidable, but in reality it's a bit of a sham.

On the home front, as a suburban assault vehicle, the Hummer gives the illusion of a big safe vehicle. In reality try finding crash test results on a big Hummer online. None there!

On the war front, the Humvee has a far different rating. It's deadly. Humvees without special armor, the kind that most soldiers in Iraq are driving are favorite targets of insurgents. Their roadside IEDs Improvised Explosive Devices are very effective in disabling the Humvee and injuring or killing the occupants.

This is the military's dirty secret. So dirty that they are hiding the shredded Humvees on bases all over Iraq. They are covered with tarps and off-limits to any photographers. Raw Story has the video clip from a CNN story about the problem.

So now why aren't there any crash test results for a Hummer available to consumers online?

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