Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Time To Start Laughing At Bush

As noted in a recent by AmericaBlog, Chicago Sun-Times commentary, the recent White House Press correspondents dinner was the first time Bush actually heard real people talking about his policies and his illegal behavior. Stephen Colbert not only was drop dead funny, he was honest. Now it's time for the rest of America to get honest.

When Bush speaks at public gatherings and makes one of his infamous "Bushisms" we need to laugh, laud and long and right in his face. He needs to know how bad a leader we feel he is and what an object of derision he has made the Presidency.

When Bush says,"We cannot allow our enemies to hold us hostile..." We should guffaw. When he remarks that , "thousands of OB-GYNs across this country cannot practice their love of women." We need to laugh so hard it hurts. Maybe humor can do what all the posturing and politics cannot. End this joke of an administration as soon as possible. The 2006 election will be critical. Let's hope we are all laughing afterward, and a little dancing in the street as well!

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