Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tennessee Descends Into The Dark Ages

In an unprecedented step backwards, the Tennessee legislature is crafting a bill to ban "Sharia Law" and to ban any organization that adheres to Sharia.  Beyond the fact that no legislation in the country is based on Sharia Law, making the bill just plain silly, this one goes into personal religious practices.

Here is the deal.  According to this version of the bill, it would be criminal to provide "material support or resources to a designated sharia organization."  By broad definition any two Muslims who gather together and observe Sharia practices would be banned.  

It's a big step into state regulating religion.  Imagine saying that any two Jews who practice Levitical Code would be considered illegal. or to the heart of the matter any two Christians who followed Paul's letters to the Church as law, would be banned.

Putting the shoe on the other foot makes this whole silly thing seem more like a scare tactic, and that's exactly what it is.  The bills prominent sponsor, Sen. Bill Ketron (R), is trying to scare people.  He knows fear works and he is working it for all it's worth. 

More crap like this from the Volunteer State and the image of a bunch of barefoot hillbillies drunk on moonshine running the state will be indelible.  As a guy whose maternal grandparents were from Tennessee, I can say with impunity, they would be appalled by these kinds of shenanigans.

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