Thursday, September 16, 2010

GOP "Placated Extremists"

So now that he is no longer head of the Florida Republican Party, Jim Greer is starting to speak out about what really is going on in the bowels of the GOP.  Like Ken Mehlman coming out, Greer has had his own "coming out" and now feels free to tall the truth.  In a recent statement he said:
"Unfortunately, I found that many within the GOP have racist views and I apologize to the President for my opposition to his speech last year and my efforts to placate the extremists who dominate our Party today."
So let's just get this straight.  Republicans will say or do anything to get votes, that is the gist of this statement.  Placating the extreme means buckling to the bigots and pandering for votes, plain and simple.  Kind of like what certain candidates are doing with the Log Cabin Republicans.  Senator John Cornyn admitted to the Family Research Council, (another extremist group) that he appeared at a Log Cabin event simply to garner votes. All I can say is at least the Republican whores know what they are.

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