Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fox News = Tea Party

Maybe I am the only one who gets this, but if you follow the goings on at Fox News you soon discover that they are the motivation behind the "Tea Party" movement.  They are even coercing candidates to follow the platform set out by Fox News.

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) was on Fox Business News yesterday and the host asked him if he would sign onto Fox Business’ agenda, something called “The Scoreboard Pledge".  This analog of the old "contract with America" from the 90's is being driven by Fox, not the GOP or anyone else.

Meanwhile the network is promotion "Tea Party" merchandise on what I suspect is a Fox News website.

It's amazing to see what is masquerading as the press, driving the political narrative so blatantly.  Wake up America, Rupert Murdock and friends are trying to run the country, literally! There used to be laws against this kind of thing, but since the Regan Bush era, all those dividers between business and politics are gone.

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