Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Castro Apologizes for Anti-Gay Campaigns

You know the world is changing when Fidel Castro is apologizing for something.  Castro, now in poor health and 84 has said it was his fault that the wave of anti-gay persecution that oppressed the LGBT community in Cuba in the 1960's.  Gays were rounded up and imprisoned in labor camps, accused as "counter revolutionaries".  Now Fidel says it was his distraction by the cold war that led to the oppression.

Funny how one of the world's most despised dictators understands that LGBT people should have the same rights as everyone else, but we still have politicians of both parties who do get it.  Why don't we start using this example to throw in the face of the bigots who continue to deny us our rights here in what is supposed to be the "land of the free". 

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