Monday, March 22, 2010

Historic Health Care Reform Passes!

Amazing! The Democrats grew a pair and actually passed the health care reform bill. It's not as comprehensive as I would have likes, and it dies not include a public option, but it will change the way health care is provided in this country and give coverage to millions of American's who cannot get it now.

Why is this important to me? Well I used to be one of those without health insurance. While I was freelancing I could not afford a policy that would cost over $1500 a month. Most American's couldn't either even if that had good jobs. The results of this bill will be keeping insurance companies from locking out individuals, and providing government assistance when people can't afford coverage. All good things.

The GOP was crushed last night. The passage of the reform bill hurt them worse than Obama's election. They will rave and rant on TV about how it will mean the end of Democracy, but in the end American's will grow to like the idea that they can get health care when they need it and all the Republican talking points won't matter if it gives them real results.

Now, the Democrats need to go out and do a good job selling this reform in the press and giving people the real facts of what it will do.

Meanwhile, when the Tea Baggers don't see any stormtroopers arriving at their doors to take away their insurance, they will find other causes to be angry about. What they are really mad about is that there is a black man in the White House, a fact that became evident in their cat calls and racial slurs at a recent staged rally in DC.

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