Monday, February 01, 2010

Why President Obama Should Not Attend The National Prayer Breakfast

It is no secret, I am a Christian. Now, before you go imagining fire breathing evangelists, let me assure you I am not that kind of Christian. The Bible thumping fundamentalists have hijacked the word "Christian" and it's almost impossible to identify as one without the negative stereotypes getting in the way.

Well here is one reason those stereotypes exist. It's a group known as the "Fellowship Foundation" or sometimes "The Family". They are a strange group of people who hang out at the infamous "C Street House" in Washington DC and their members include Senators and Congressmen. My problem with this bunch is their subversive attempts to integrate religion with the government.

For example, Senator James Inhofe(R-OK)evangelizes while traveling at taxpayer expense. That is pretty clearly a violation of that whole church/state separation. More importantly, this group sponsors the National Prayer Breakfasts which have become almost mandatory for politicians wishing to score points with the fundamentalist right.

It is because of that group and their activities that CREW, the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington is urging everyone from the President on down to avoid the breakfast. You can read their letter here.

If you want more proof of the Fellowship Foundation's dirty deeds, look to Uganda and their anti-homosexual law that is before the Ugandan legislature. It was inspired by a visit from Fellowship members.

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