Monday, August 17, 2009

Democrats Give Up On Public Option?

Can't get health insurance? Don't count on Congress to do anything about it. The current Democratic majority seems to be just as cowed as the GOP when it comes to bucking the insurance industry. That's the bad here is the worse news. Congress is making noises about removing the public option from the health care reform bill. That leaves 46 million Americans still without health insurance. But hey, those guys don't vote anyway so what the hell?

Congress and the White House are letting the GOP run the show even though they are clearly in the minority. Why? They are, and this is being charitable, gutless. They are afraid of being labeled liberal by Fox News and the GOP. Why the hell don't they just become Republicans?

If the Democratic Party isn't going to institute any real change, the change that they were voted into office for, then what the hell difference does it make? And that is exactly what the GOP wants. They want real progressives to give up and just hand the government over to them in the next election.

How do we stop it? Well it's a sure bet the Demnocratic Party won't do anything. The only way to get real change is to elect folks in the primaries who are real liberals. It's time to clean house in the Democratic Party. The fossils that have held on to their seats for decades have to go. The Blue Dogs have to go, the liberal talking conservative voting Democrats have to go!

It may be too late. Lots of people who got motivated by the Obama campaign are already loosing faith as one by one the promises are forgotten or postponed. Maybe it is hopeless and our country is a total loss for anyone but the rich. If that is the case, depressed people might turn to a more radical form of governmnet to affect change and that would be a shame.

Those who read history know how popular Communism became in the depression era. Perhaps some new form of system may appear to give the "little guy" hope and perhaps not. Either way something has to change or we will go back to the same broken system we have now.

The looting of the country by buisness and CEOs cannot continue forever. Of course those who are rich enough will just pack up and move to a sunny climate and spend their days burning up the hard earne4d money they stole from the rest of us.

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