Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pope Says Condoms Don't Prevent AIDS - Say What?

Pope Benedict XVI is doing his part to help spread the HIV virus. He boldly proclaimed on his way to Africa that "You can't resolve it with the distribution of condoms...on the contrary, it increases the problem."

The Vatican apparently is living in the fantasy world that the GOP inhabits when they push abstinence only sex education and watch the pregnancy rate and STD rates rise. I suspect the pope feels that by admitting that condoms can indeed stop the spread of the disease he would in some way undermine the church's stand on procreation. Whatever his reason it is a strange position for the man who claims the right as the "Vicker of Christ" to take. He would rather see people infected and die than use any method of birth control. That is a really odd "sanctity of life" argument.

The spread of AIDS is not just an African problem. In a recent study, our nation's capital has an astounding infection rate of 3% of the population. That is 2% higher than the official benchmark at which a disease becomes a "generalized and severe" epidemic. In Africa things are even worse and one would think the sanctity of preserving life would trump the idology of condeming condom use, but I guess I am just not pious enough to get it.

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