Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cramer Flails While Stewart Giggles

Jim Cramer, the loudmouth wild man of financial analysis is looking worse and worse. What started as a simple bit on the Daily Show has become a feud, and a hilarious one at that.

Jon Stewart has lampooned Cramer for his extremely bad advice to "buy Bear Stearns", a statement that Cramer first denied. Stewart and his staff then browsed through the archive and found numerous clips of Cramer touting Bear Stearns as a good deal just days before its colapse.

Cramer instead of just rolling with the punches began a furious campaign to deny any mistakes on every NBC talk show he could get on. That was a fatal mistaken because the more he squawked, the more foolish The Daily Show made him look.

What started as a comedy bit has become a one-sided war. Cramer furiously fighting while Steward sits on the sidelines and throws spit-balls. Trying to fight a comedian, especially one who has a battery of video tape to support his comedy is futile, and that's what makes this so funny.

Here's the latest salvo in the "war":

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